Thematic special issue “Philosophy & Film”

With great pleasure and honor we announce that the first publication in Macedonia from the area of film-philosophy is on its way – the thematic special issue “PHILOSOPHY AND FILM” of the national philosophy journal Philosophical debate (Filozofska tribina) issued by the Philosophical Society of Macedonia. The promotion is scheduled for July 6 (Thursday), starting at 20.00h in the GEM Club (2nd floor of Menada, Skopje’s Old Bazaar). Promoter of the journal will be Prof. Dr. Ivan Dzeparoski, Head of the Institute of Philosophy at the Philosophical Faculty in Skopje. We hope that this publication will be a support and inspiration for further research in this area and that we will be able to continue publishing works from this area in Macedonian language. This issue of “Philosophical Debate” is realized with the support of Civica mobilitas, the civil society support program of the Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation.